Teaching lessons while rewarding in their own right, are how I make my living. These are the policies I have created to ensure a good relationship and environment with my students. If there is anything stated in here that you need clarification on, or have issue with, please let me know, and we can discuss it. You can download this document in pdf form by clicking the following link.

Lesson Policies

Below is everything that is contained in the pdf, for your convenience:

Student Teacher Agreement

Effective January 6, 2015


  • Lesson times are set, if a student is late, extending the lesson slot past it’s scheduled time will affect another student. Please be on time, and bring any materials I have assigned you to the lesson!

  • Practice is essential for progress in studying music, regardless of subject or ability. Students when signing up for lessons have made a commitment to not only me, but most importantly themselves to do everything they can to get better. Lesson times are much more efficient with adequate home practice, allowing more complex, and refining instructions during the lesson.

The MINIMUM, is 3 hours per week, remember this is the bare MINIMUM, an hour per day is recommended, and additional practice may be requested on a case by case basis.


  • Major holidays there will be no lessons, unless previously discussed. If you would like to have a lesson during any of the following periods make sure to let me know well in advance, and I will let you know if it is possible.

MLK Day: January 19th

Spring Break : March 9th – 13th

Memorial Day: May 25th

Labor Day: September 1st

Thanksgiving: November 24th – 28th

Winter Holiday: December 22nd – January 2nd

  • Please let me know of your summer vacation plans ASAP. Summer lessons are encouraged, and with enough planning your lesson slot can be maintained, this is often a time when lesson slots will be reassigned according to changing schedules.


  • Things happen in life, I understand this. That said, this is my living, this is how I pay my bills. When you take lessons, I have allotted you a portion of my time weekly or otherwise agreed upon. If you cancel there is no way for me to reschedule that appointment, and it is lost income. This adds up, and I suspect that you would not take very kindly to your employer, or customers deciding arbitrarily to reduce your monthly income by any amount. Teachers have bills and student loan debt too!

  • 2 excused absences per 90 day period, your lesson will be rescheduled or refunded if already paid. Beyond this I will do my best to provide a make up slot for you, but there are no promises, and no refund.

  • If for any reason I have to cancel a lesson, a make up will be scheduled or a refund given. Please understand that in addition to teaching I perform and will do my best to let you know well in advance of any performance that will interfere with lessons.


  • Payment will be made monthly, except for group lessons. Group lessons will be paid 3 months in advance.

  • Payment will be due no later than the first lesson of the next lesson cycle.

Special notes, and or requests:

Please let me know before the first lesson if there are any learning disabilities, or special considerations that should be taken into account during lessons.

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